Theatre takes skill building and culture transformation farther than other methods

Why Theatre?

The startup environment and theatre have a lot of crossover. I would know - I spent 10 years in theatre and have held leadership positions in startups.

Both require a high tolerance for rapid change, ever changing dynamics, and working with passionate, ambitious individuals.

Theatre is the practice of empathy - understanding and effectively responding to unspoken communication. I applied what I learned in theatre to the workplace environment to foster effective communication and collaboration even when widely differing opinions and work styles exist.

My method goes beyond traditional (and often unhelpful) theory-based workshops.

McLaughlin Method creates lasting change that impacts the trajectory of individuals, teams, and organizations.

“Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it.”

— Augusto Boal

Does Your Training Look Like This?

  • Virtual

  • In Person

  • Fun

    Cultivating a sense of play while reconnecting with each other through games.

  • Creativity

    Breaking past our expectations of how things “should” be so we can innovate and see things differently.

  • Engaging

    This is no performance. You are both the spectator and actor.

  • Dig Deep

    Our methods create a safe space to cultivate empathy, honesty, and real communication.

Ready to learn how McLaughlin Method can help you and your team?